SCI Mission (USACE Cyber Building) is one of the biggest government in Fort gordon. This building size is about 500’-0 x 300’-0 with 2000 tons of steel.
SCI Mission (USACE Cyber Building) is one of the biggest government in Fort gordon.
This building size is about 500’-0 x 300’-0 with 2000 tons of steel.
It has 6 Areas in it, with 20 steel Sequences . Having 5 Floors. Screen wall Areas, Dumpsters….
North Area, Connector Area and South bar area.
It is an Fast track project and Almost 25 members are currently working on this job. At a Single time, Erector using 2 Cranes due to aggressive schedule.
It also have MISC items (Stairs 01 thru 05, Ladders, Louvers, Bollards, CMU wall supports, Knee wall post, Lintels …
It is having full of Side plate connections, Moment connections . Also Connection design in our scope.